Happy Easter 2020

Published by ISAFIS on

“For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.”

Romans 6:5

Special moment like Easter with special condition from this year would always left a memorable moment for everyone. Audrey (IAOD) and Zaza (R&D) give their own outlooks on the meaning of Easter in our second episode of ISAFIS Speak!

This year’s Easter is so much different from the ones we had before. There were no crowds; all we did was sit around the television and try our best to stay focus. I must say that this year’s Easter felt much more personal and melancholic. I was able to truly reflect on the messages given and I felt super grateful for all the technological advancements that allowed many people to be in different locations, but still attain the same message and blessing. Easter symbolizes the constant present of hope in our lives, and I hope that that message rings true throughout this quarantine period. Happy Easter to all who celebrates. God bless!

Being a student in a Catholic school for 6 years allowed me to have a glimpse of their values and how they share Passover every year. Passover is an embodiment of virtues and collective togetherness. The annual held Mass in our school creates a distinct meaning to me because everyone would come there to serve in every way. Looking at the graduates that still gladly come to my school for the Mass is coming home story. The light of the candles at the end of the Mass is a beautiful warmth that everyone digs every year and the joy of a simple ‘Happy Easter!’ that would fill the hallway is a reminder that we’re not alone here for we’re bounded by certain bond that remains strong – a sense of familiarity that our school nurtures through the time.

With that being said, ISAFIS wishes Happy Easter for those who celebrate the merry day! Hopefully with His resurrection we will always live in love for others. God bless.


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