Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Unleashing Your Unique Self-Branding

Published by Career-Organizational Development on

Written by: Amirah Alfi Marwah Azzahra

Developing our personality and learning certain abilities or skills is a task for each of us. However, all of this will be organized and can be carried out well when we can determine the direction according to our MBTI. However, it does not mean that an ‘Introvert’ will not get opportunities like an ‘Extrovert’ because they are successful in speaking in front of an audience. In fact, self branding with any personality will be our character.

Is someone with an energetic personality more likely to have more skills? Now, a person’s personality is broadly classified into two. Someone who has a lot of energy to socialize and is easy to make friends or easy to adapt is called an Extrovert. While, someone who prefers to avoid meeting many people for extended periods and enjoys being alone is called an Introvert. The two statements above were mentioned by Jung (1971) in dividing a person’s two personalities (Merlin & Eliza, 2023) and we can conclude that everyone’s personality is different. Although there is indeed a personality type in the middle between the two personalities known as Ambivert, in essence how a person grows with their own uniqueness is according to how they know themselves.

The development of skills to support academics or the professional world is not determined by a person’s personality. Unfortunately, some people hold stereotypes or stigmas that unfairly target individuals with an ‘Introvert’ personality. In reality, we must understand that everyone’s social energy varies. Each of us has a different perspective. In determining future goals, making sense of life, or even making friends with oneself, there are various styles. So, it doesn’t mean that everyone’s personality type should be the same. Everyone can pursue certain skills not based on whether they are an Introvert or Extrovert, but from the persistence within us to pursue what we determine. You are you, and I am me with a unique MBTI for each of us.


Merlin, N. A. (2023). A Comparative Study On Speaking Skill Between Extrovert And Introvert Students At The Second Grade Of SMAN 3 Bukittinggi. PESHUM: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Humaniora, 2(5), 886-894.

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